La doar cativa kilometri de Veliko Tarnovo, Arbanasi ofera un peisaj idilic & linistitor. Satul Arbanasi este cunoscut pentru istorie bogata si o multime de monumente arhitecturale.
Este un satuc din inima Bulgariei cu privelisti de neuitat...imaginile de mai jos sunt graitoare!
Prima mentionare vine din sec al 16-lea, arhitectura vorbeste de la sine. Numele satului vine de la cuvântul Arbërës or Arbanas (in albaneza), care inseamna lucrator al pamantului.
Cele mai importante monumente sunt:
Arbanasi Monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God (17th-18th century)
Monastery of Saint Nicholas (17th-18th century)
Church of the Nativity of Christ (c. 15th-17th century)
Church of Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel (16th-18th century)
Church of Saint Athanasius (17th century)
Church of Saint George (17th century)
Church of Saint Demetrius (17th-18th century)
Konstantsaliyata's House (18th century)
Hadzhi Iliya's House
Other 18th century merchant's houses

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